Happening News is an independent multi-media news, events and advertising broadcaster.

MISSION:  Our mission is to offer exclusive, innovative and creative advertising & social media services to our clients through blogs, vlogs, social media, radio advertising, etc.

VISION:  Our vision is to help our clients build their brands and grow their on-line visibility through various social media platforms.

HAPPENING News is the brainchild of Annette, but Surene has never been far - motivating and sharing the dream. They joined forces and together they are a mean team complementing each other's strengths!


I am a creative with a love for all things media and entertainment related.

My dear colleague Surene shares my passion for writing and has been my editor, proof reader, teacher and confidant for a few years now. It's thanks to Surene my journalist career comes with accreditation. Telling and sharing what you have to say and what you have to offer is not only my pleasure, but also my honour

We will be bringing you news, views, reviews alongside with advertising your business, service or product. Let's build our brands together.

Contact me for your Advertising needs.


I am a wannebe blogger and struggle to keep the page active, but am working on it.

I have a day job, but also am a freelancer. At some stage in total desperation ~ or was it madness? ~ to increase my income, I even transcribed court cases. This is how I met my partner in writing, Annette. In 2010 I started freelancing in the publishing industry and am proud to say I consider myself an expert on the quality control of eBooks and audio books. What an amazing world to get lost in.

I am looking forward to this new venture – Happening News will most definitely unlock a lot of new HAPPENINGS in my life.

Contact me for Articles.